

Navel oranges (the “winter” orange) and Valencia oranges (the “summer” orange) are similar in flavor and appearance, but what distinguishes one from the other? Oranges are one of the most commonly grown fruits in the world, and both Valencias and navels are categorized as “sweet oranges” of the genus citrus x sinensis. From the outside, the main distinguished characteristic that can help you tell them apart is the feature that gives navel oranges their name.
A medium orange has only about 60 calories and provides 116% of the daily value of vitamin C; 13% of dietary fiber; 10% folate; 8% thiamin; 7% potassium; 6% vitamin A; and 5% calcium.
The Citrus specification such as Brix, Acidity, ratio and juice for varieties Note – Brix is defined as the total solids saluted in the liquid. Vitamin C mg is defined as vitamin C mg per 100 milliliters of juice.
We always keep our eyes on the latest regulations in our clients markets. Sizes: Orange are sized according to the approximate number of oranges per carton which is (40-48-56-64-72-80-88-100-113-125)